Perkins K-8
Features at a glance
A quality preschool school
Parent involvement programs, including a parent center
Wellness programs and onsite wellness coordinator
Safe and inclusive anti-bullying leadership programs
Community and business partnerships
Before and after school care
Additional Visual and Performing Arts clubs, partnerships, and opportunities
Performing Arts
Visual Arts
When you walk on our campus, you see students in action, setting goals, and working towards reaching their goals for the future. We provide strong leadership to our students and high expectations, and we offer them so many inspirational programs that help them raise their academic sights higher.
The annual Spelling Bee. Soccer Club. Astronomy Club, a chess program, a Russian Club complete with language instruction. International travel.
Trips to the White House. Trips to space. An annual Science Fair with awesome projects like sending a weather balloon 90,000 feet above the atmosphere and following its trajectory using GPS global positioning -- an experiment first done by MIT university students that our secondary students figured out just as successfully!
Perkins is a school in perpetual motion. Among our many programs is our annual trip to Washington, D.C., concluding our study of American history. Our students learn about goal setting, for they raise their own funds for the trip. When they tour our nation's capital, they can see and feel much more about what our country means. They learn far beyond the classroom lessons, important life skills like etiquette, the practical experience of travel, crossing time zones and even jet lag!
We welcome all to come see our amazing Perkins students in action!