Career Pathways
Browse Schools by Career Pathways
Every San Diego Unified high school offers college and career pathways aimed at preparing students for a successful future. Pathway programs provide students opportunities to integrate rigorous academics and high quality career technical education courses focused on high-skill, high-wage, and high-growth fields. Pathway programs combine quality classroom instruction, student support, and work-based learning experiences to emphasize both college and career preparation. To begin preparing even the youngest learners to be successful in high school and beyond, neighborhood elementary and middle schools may offer classes aligned with the pathways emphasized by their local high school.
Arts, Media, & Entertainment focuses on skills and knowledge for creating, refining, and sharing work.
Building & Construction Trade prepares students for work in the local building trades and construction industry, including green construction and renewable energy.
Business & Finance prepares students for careers in fields such as business management, international trade, and various financial services specialties.
Education, Child Development, & Family Services provides students with preparation to pursue high-skill, high-demand careers in this industry.
Engineering & Architecture is designed for students to explore design in the various engineering fields.
Students gain knowledge and skills to pursue a full range of career opportunities in health science and medical technology.
Hospitality, Tourism, & Recreation provides students with skills necessary to work in hotels, restaurants, theme parks, and other tourism related businesses.
Information & Communication Technology provides students with analytical, design, and management skills.
Manufacturing & Product Development provides students the opportunity to learn about manufacturing processes and systems related to technology, infrastructure, and art.
Marketing, Sales, & Services includes a basic business foundation with a focus on marketing and innovation.
Public Services prepares students for work provided to citizens, including emergency services, legal services and public safety.
Transportation provides a foundation in transportation services.