Webster Elementary
Features at a glance
An organic garden on campus
School-based sports and athletics clubs
A quality preschool school
Parent involvement programs, including a parent center
Wellness programs and onsite wellness coordinator
Safe and inclusive anti-bullying leadership programs
Community and business partnerships
Before and after school care
Additional Visual and Performing Arts clubs, partnerships, and opportunities
Gifted and Talented Education
Performing Arts
Visual Arts
Webster Academy of Science and Research Magnet offers students a strong academic program enriched by an integrated science curriculum. Students complete in-depth, hands-on studies of animal species, chemical reactions and earth materials while simultaneously learning the necessary research skills - embedded with reading,writing, and math - critical to academic success.
To support our focus, Webster features specialized science and computer technology teachers, two fully equipped science labs, a computer research lab and class sets of laptop computers in all grades.
Webster Elementary Academy of Science and Research is located in a quiet neighborhood of predominately owner-occupied, single-family homes on the northeast edge of Southeast San Diego. Over half of our students come from outside the neighborhood.
Instruction is geared to providing opportunities to discover and explore in order to develop deeper levels of understanding and knowledge in all content areas. Technology is an important tool in the transition from school to career. We incorporate technology into our school-wide curriculum.
Teachers engage in continuous professional learning and lead professional development at school. We encourage our students to develop a clear belief in self, the understanding that learning is an ongoing process and the ability to communicate effectively. We work with family and community members to produce strong and independent thinkers.
Parents and community members are encouraged to be involved as volunteers, members of committees, participate as guest readers and attend events.