Boone Elementary


Features at a glance

Foreign language instruction

School-based sports and athletics clubs

Parent involvement programs, including a parent center

Wellness programs and onsite wellness coordinator

Safe and inclusive anti-bullying leadership programs

Before and after school care

Our school was named for an American pioneer and patriot, a trailblazer to inspire greatness in our students.

Ours is an outstanding school where students come ready to learn. and teachers excel in research-based teaching practices. Here all students get a strong academic foundation and our teachers receive ongoing training in literacy and mathematics. Our students' test scores consistently rank well above the district average.

Our ethnically diverse student population come from the neighborhood, reflecting our community. We learn from one another, and each culture is valued. Special activities include our PTA-sponsored book fair, school beautification project, principal-parent chats, school assemblies, guest speakers and after-school activities such as Mad Science and scouts. Thanks to the overwhelming support of the San Diego community, we can offer our pupils a newly renovated campus and top-notch technology.


Our campus lives by the rules of The "Boone Be's". This is our code of conduct that teaches social skills, such as making eye contact when talking with someone, displaying courtesy to classmates and adults, and making sure that students are engaged in class. Following the rules produces great results: Our campus climate is peaceful, and our students are thoughtful, curious and engaged in their work. Together, those successes have resulted in the rising achievement of our thriving students.

Contact us


Boone Elementary
7330 Brookhaven Rd
San Diego,CA92114