Clark Middle
Features at a glance
Safe and inclusive anti-bullying leadership programs
After-school learning enrichment opportunities
Before and after school care
Additional Visual and Performing Arts clubs, partnerships, and opportunities
Monroe Clark is a central part in that City Heights community revitalization that puts our school in a cutting-edge educational pilot program that partners our district with San Diego State, Price Charities and San Diego Education Association. This City Heights Educational Pilot is a school-reform initiative.
Our school that uses the team approach to help students reach their potential. We call our campus a collaborative community, with our team composed of teachers, staff, parents and guardians, volunteers and the San Diego Community, and most of all our students.
Our mission is to help students become resourceful, independent learners who possess the ability to master state standards. We have focused our efforts as well on strengthening attendance, to keep students and their families focused on what really matters.
We are proud to report that our efforts are working. Clark School students continue to improve t heir achievement levels. Our community has become a more stable and safe neighborhood. Monroe Clark is the school to watch!