Lincoln High

Lincoln students

Features at a glance

Foreign language instruction

Career technical education courses

AVID college preparedness school

School-based sports and athletics clubs

Parent involvement programs, including a parent center

Wellness programs and onsite wellness coordinator

Community and business partnerships

Dual college enrollment enabling students to earn college credits

Scholarship-level athletics

Military JROTC school offering leadership development

Opportunities for internships and apprenticeships


Visual Arts

The Mission of Lincoln High School is to create a school community that inspires and supports academic excellence and exceptional character.

Vision Statement: At Lincoln, students will gain the knowledge and skills to succeed in college andthe workplace. Students will excel in rigorous coursework where University of California andCalifornia State University requirements for college admission are the baseline. Students will bechallenged and supported in completing this coursework by teachers who are responsive and use astudent-centered approach to instruction. Students will have classroom experiences that arerelevant as they work in collaboration with other students, business partners, and communitymembers to apply their knowledge and skills to real life problems and scenarios. Students will alsoexperience and contribute to a positive and nurturing campus climate where staff members, parentsand students support one another to achieve success, where safety is paramount, and diversity ishonored and celebrated.


Core Values

  • Excellence We believe that we must hold each other and ourselves to high expectations.
  • Equity We believe that our diversity makes us stronger; that we all possess strengths on which to build, and that we are all responsible for encouraging and supporting one another to do our best and be our best.
  • Engagement We believe that we can accomplish our goals through the collaborative efforts of staff, students, parents, and community members.

Contact us


Lincoln High
4777 Imperial Ave
San Diego,CA92113